
The goal of this project is to visualize high-dimensional data from the GISS Surface Temperature Analysis data https://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/.


The data set is comprised of many variables but we will focus on

The group variable allows us to apply custom colors to better observe the data. Our dependent variable or ‘y’ variable is temperature while our independent variable or ‘x’ is the year.

##import data 
GISTEMPData <- read.csv("ExcelFormattedGISTEMPData2CSV.csv")
## observe first 5 lines of the data
##   Year Glob NHem SHem X24N.90N X24S.24N X90S.24S X64N.90N X44N.64N X24N.44N
## 1 1880  -19  -33   -5      -38      -16       -5      -89      -54      -22
## 2 1881  -10  -18   -2      -27       -2       -5      -54      -40      -14
## 3 1882   -9  -17   -1      -21      -10        4     -125      -20       -3
## 4 1883  -19  -30   -8      -34      -22       -2      -28      -57      -20
## 5 1884  -27  -42  -12      -56      -17      -11     -127      -58      -41
## 6 1885  -31  -41  -21      -61      -17      -20     -119      -70      -43
##   EQU.24N X24S.EQU X44S.24S X64S.44S X90S.64S
## 1     -26       -5       -2       -8       39
## 2      -5        2       -6       -3       37
## 3     -12       -8        3        8       42
## 4     -25      -19       -1        0       37
## 5     -21      -14      -15       -5       40
## 6     -11      -23      -27       -7       38
## observe last 10 lines of the data
tail(GISTEMPData, n=10)
##     Year Glob NHem SHem X24N.90N X24S.24N X90S.24S X64N.90N X44N.64N X24N.44N
## 126 2005   69   84   55       99       65       45      200      116       56
## 127 2006   64   80   47       96       56       40      173      105       67
## 128 2007   66   83   49      110       47       48      201      129       69
## 129 2008   54   66   42       88       39       40      144      102       61
## 130 2009   65   71   59       74       68       51      127       58       67
## 131 2010   71   88   55       98       69       48      199       86       74
## 132 2011   60   71   50       93       37       58      211       90       57
## 133 2012   63   77   50       97       51       44      189       89       73
## 134 2013   66   76   56       88       58       54      123      103       68
## 135 2014   75   91   58      106       67       54      185      113       76
##     EQU.24N X24S.EQU X44S.24S X64S.44S X90S.64S
## 126      61       69       52       20       76
## 127      55       58       54       19       36
## 128      44       50       54        6      117
## 129      33       45       56       10       50
## 130      66       71       61       18       85
## 131      72       66       66       23       38
## 132      38       37       68       26       93
## 133      46       57       60       25       32
## 134      57       58       64       30       67
## 135      70       64       76       23       47


# Load libraries
## ── Attaching packages ──────── tidyverse 1.3.0 ──
## ✓ ggplot2 3.3.2     ✓ purrr   0.3.4
## ✓ tibble  3.0.3     ✓ dplyr   1.0.1
## ✓ tidyr   1.1.2     ✓ stringr 1.4.0
## ✓ readr   1.3.1     ✓ forcats 0.5.0
## ── Conflicts ─────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## x dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
## Loading required package: viridisLite
# only want to plot the last ten rows
## [1] 135
# Subset the data we want
# convert from wide to long format before plotting
GIS.long<-GISTEMPData[125:135,1:4] %>%
  gather(key=group, value=temp, Glob:SHem, factor_key = TRUE)

GIS.long %>%
  ggplot( aes(x=Year, y=temp, group=group, color=group)) +
  ggtitle("Temperature from 2004-2014")+
  scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE)

ggsave(plot = last_plot(), filename = "GIS_temp_viz.png")
## Saving 7 x 5 in image


Over time, the culmulative surface temperature increases for each group and never intersects each group.